
Showing posts from December, 2018

Stone Soup

We read a few different versions of the classic story, Stone Soup. We recalled the ingredients that were mentioned in the story and made sure we had them ready. We even found a few more like turnips and beets. We took care to wash the vegetables well. We each picked a vegetable to peel for the soup. While the vegetables were being prepared for the soup, we made a Stone Soup craft. We helped to stir the soup and mix in spices.  We used some garlic, salt and pepper, just like the story.  It smelled delicious! We were excited to try our Stone Soup.  Some children loved the stone soup so much, they had many helpings.

Math- How old am I? and other math fun.

Most of the children here at CM are 3 and 4 years old. It was a fairly simple but satisfying activity to add 3-4 stickers beside our names on the paper. How surprised they were to count out how many stickers they'd need for my age! I even needed a second row! For identifying shapes we first looked around the room to see if we could find any. Some were easy to spot, rectangle doors, square hole in the cubbies, circle on the door lock, but we couldn't locate any triangles. We then played with a handful of popsicle sticks to see what shapes we could make. We used stickers to line our names. Some children used all the colours and some just chose one or two to use. Some of the stickers created a sequence.