Now and Then- From Small to Big

We read a fantastic book called, 'Wait for me, say's Maggie McGee'.

It's about a girl who is the youngest and smallest in her family. She had a hard time being so small. There were so many things she couldn't reach or do because of it. But then she starts growing and stretching. Because of her resourcefulness and kindness, she gets three wishes. She saves her last wish for something extra special, something that will take a long time, but it finally does. She becomes the tallest in all her family.
We began a conversation about Cedar groups wishes when they get bigger. Some children thought of their parents and what they see them do because they are big. Some children wish to drive a car when they are big. Some want to have children of their own. 

Maggie was the smallest in her family but grew up to be the biggest. We drew a tree (to connect our growth to our tree measurements we did in the forest). We all measured ourselves and anyone else at CM that wanted to be measured. We encouraged parents, siblings, and grandparents to measure themselves up on the tree. 


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