Math and Science Thursday

In connection with our Community Helpers we talked about what job a Mathematician is.

We estimated how tall we thought the toy giraffe was. 
Then we measured.
Cubes made a great reference to measure with.

How long is Saige's foot? How many cubes long?

Tracing our feet on paper made it easier to measure. 

We even traced Saige's body to see how tall she was. 
The estimated guess was 'over 100'.
We counted the cubes and it was 61.

We traced Simone's body so we could compare her measurement to Saige's. 
The estimate was 'probably about 50'.
We counted up the cubes and it was 48.

In the afternoon we had some great science exploration.

When the baking soda mixed with the vinegar it made a fizzing sound.

Aegon liked to see how big the fizz would be if he dumped lots of vinegar in.

Even when the baking soda and vinegar were well mixed and there was no longer a fizzing reaction, the children were enjoying pouring, mixing colours, stirring and using an eye dropper.
It was a very focused activity and many children were engaged for over an hour.


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