Pirate Week
Arrrrgh Matey's!
Blimey it's been a fun week on the ship! We've all improved our sea legs thats for sure. Here's what we scalleywags have been up to while we've set sail, Arrrrrr!
Practicing their ropes and pulley's.
No scurvy for these lads and lasses.
Blimey it's been a fun week on the ship! We've all improved our sea legs thats for sure. Here's what we scalleywags have been up to while we've set sail, Arrrrrr!
Practicing their ropes and pulley's.
Painting some Pirate gold nuggets
Treasure hunt!
Making boats to float.
Other piratey fun:
Painting paper pirate ships:
More piratey fun!
Pirate Feast! (with menu's)
No scurvy for these lads and lasses.
Treasure Hunt! (#2)
Everyone got to take home some of the booty on the last day, so if you haven't gotten your share, we have more. Everyone got 3 pieces of gold to take home.
Our pirate shanty:
"Soon we'll be in England town,
Heave me lads, heave ho.
To see the king with the golden crown,
Heave me lads, heave ho.
Heave ho, on we go,
Heave me lads, heave ho."
Also a quick reminder that Creative Minds has a private Facebook group called 'Creative Minds Community'. If you're on FB, I can add you or you can find it easily too by the search function.
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