Sit Spot

We've been discussing and organizing ourselves to make Sit Spot's work for our mid-day. Because Creative Minds is multi-age, we have some children who still need a nap or need to rest on a mat as well as children who don't. At CM we really value the outdoors and especially being in the forest. We wanted to find the opportunity for the children to spend time in nature, not to 'play' and be physically active, but to learn self awareness and stillness while outdoors.

Naomi and Ellie took 8 children into the forest on Friday.
They discovered a special spot that is near our 'Meadow'. It's special, because we haven't had the children play in that spot before. It's a new location for sitting, being still, listening to forest sounds, focusing on breath, watching a spider spin her web, and inhale the sweet smells of Spring.

On Friday, the children managed 5 minutes with the Sit Spot. This is a great start. Naomi suggested that they try to close their eyes but that didn't last too long. She then suggested they look around while being quiet, and just listen to what was around them.

They practiced some inhaling and exhaling.

Ellie did some yoga poses with the children.

They were walking back so quietly and calmly, they were able to spot a snake on the trail.


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