The Many Forms of Sharing

Most people's understanding of sharing in a daycare setting is with toys. Taking turns. Sharing items and equipment. But if we look at how our community shares with each other and compare it with the children's understanding what do we see?
The children see the importance of preparing food and sharing this with others. This happens inside our centre as well as in the forest.

Once in the forest, markets are carved out under trees and merchants sell their wares. Pinecones, stones, seeds and twigs become food to be shared. Ice cream and treats are easy to find but merchants are always happy to fill special requests. Money is sometimes requested in exchange for food but most often food is given for free.

It was lovely to see how Valentine's Day was able to coincide with our generosity unit of inquiry.

The children were SO excited to be able to mail their valentines to friends and family.

Sharing space with others is often a difficult thing to learn how to do. Respecting boundaries, listening to others needs, and voicing your own wants and requests.


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