Forest Physicality
The endless benefits of forest physicality. Balancing, climbing, swinging, bouncing, running, and learning how to keep yourself and others safe. Confidence knowing the ground will always support your body. To truly feel grounded we need to feel support from the earth. Some children are natural climbers. When they first come to Creative Minds, the teachers are close by as they grip onto the branches and their feet leave the ground. We 'spot' them to assess their ability in this environment and with this activity. They seem to already know the rules of tree climbing: always hold on with your hands, climb like a ladder with your belly facing the tree, and when the branches are thinner then your wrist they might not be strong enough to hold you, so don't go higher. With some children, this is a brand new activity. They watch with wonder as their fellow classmates climb up with ease. But alas when they try themselves, it's very difficult. It's tempting to ...