Telling Stories as a Group

In Heron group we have been focusing on classic stories to share as a group. We have done Coyote and the Sky, Three Billy Goats Gruff and The Gingerbread Man. The children already know these stories well, so we mostly focus on how we can use our bodies to tell the story. Masks help us start to find our character. They help us try out our character's voice and also how we would move as that being. As the story develops, parts of the environment are mentioned, and are also a very important part of bringing the story to life. What would Coyote and the Sky be without the sun, moon and stars? What would The Three Billy Goats Gruff be without an arched bridge? And what would The Gingerbread Man need Foxes help for, if there was no river? Here we are working on our own personal masks so we can bring them home.